Driving in Dubai necessitates a thorough understanding of the stringent traffic regulations enforced throughout the city. The authorities employ advanced technology such as cameras and radar systems to closely monitor driving behavior and promptly identify violations. Upon breaking a traffic law, offenders receive an SMS notification detailing the infraction, applicable fines, and potential black points on their driving record.

The black points system serves as a significant deterrent against traffic offenses, promoting road safety for both drivers and pedestrians. Serious violations incur higher points and fines, reflecting Dubai’s commitment to maintaining strict road conduct. A comprehensive list of offenses, along with their associated penalties, underscores the importance placed on adherence to traffic laws, ensuring that all road users are protected.

The following is a list of offenses and the corresponding black points and fines they carry:

Offense Black Points Fines
Highest Black Points 
Unauthorized use of a vehicle to transport passengers 24 AED 300
Unauthorized transportation of harmful and hazardous material 24 AED 3000
Driving without any  license plates on the vehicle 23 AED 3000
Driving while endangering others 23 AED 2000
Driving under the influence of alcohol 23 Court-decision
Driving while harming others’ properties 23 AED 2000
Accidents that have injured others 23 Court-decision
Accidents that have resulted in the death of others 23 Court-decision
For Heavy Vehicles 
Not stopping after having a minor accident 16 AED 1000
Running away from the policeman 16 AED 1000
Leakage from heavy vehicles 12 AED 3000
Not adhering to lane rules 12 AED 1500
School bus not adhering to the precautionary measures 6 AED 500
A heavy vehicle that might cause harm to the road due to its load 6 AED 2000
A heavy vehicle that might cause harm to others due to its load 6 AED 2000
No side or rear lights 4 AED 500
Poor side or rear lights 4 AED 500
Unauthorized entry of heavy vehicle 4 AED 1000
For Light Vehicles and Motor Bikes
Light vehicle running away from the policeman 12 AED 800
Motorbikes passing a red light 12 AED 1000
Light vehicles passing a red light 12 AED 1000
Not stopping after causing a minor accident 8 AED 500
Stopping in undesignated areas for taxis 4 AED 500
Absence of helmet on motorbikes 4 AED 500
Absence of helmets for passengers on motorbikes 4 AED 500
Other Traffic Infractions
Exceeding the speed limit by 60 to 80 km/h 12 AED 2000
Altering chassis or engine without authorization 12 AED 1000
Noisy vehicle 12 AED 2000
License use on different vehicle 12 AED 400
Not stopping for an activated school bus’s stop sign 10 AED 1000
Entering from prohibited road 8 AED 1000
Not giving away from an emergency or public service vehicles 6 AED 3000
Exceeding the speed limit by less than 60 km/h 6 AED 1500
Overtaking from the hard shoulder 6 AED 1000
Pollution-causing vehicle 6 AED 1000
Littering 6 AED 1000
Stopping for no apparent reason 6 AED 1000
Parking in spaces for those of determination 6 AED 1000
Entering the road dangerously 6 AED 600
Poor light conditions 6 AED 400
Transporting passengers for a vehicle not licensed for this purpose 4 AED 1000
Participating in an unauthorized motorcade 4 AED 500
Expired tires 4 AED 500
Expired registration 4 AED 500
Expired license 4 AED 500
Unlicensed vehicle 4 AED 500
Uninsured vehicle 4 AED 500
Driving against traffic 4 AED 600
Use of unpermitted foreign license 4 AED 1000
Misuse of horn 4 AED 400
Driving in violation of weather conditions and rules by authorities 4 AED 500
Driving in fog without lights 4 AED 500
Driving at night without lights 4 AED 500
Unauthorized load on the vehicle 4 AED 500
Dangerous loading 4 AED 500
Unauthorized turns 4 AED 500
Passenger limit excess 4 AED 500
Misuse of vehicle’s purpose 4 AED 300
Entering a road without making sure that the road is clear 4 AED 400
Not maintaining a safe distance 4 AED 400
Passenger not wearing a seatbelt 4 AED 400
Not wearing seatbelt 4 AED 400
Dismissing the policeman’s instructions 4 AED 400
Distracted while driving 4 AED 800
Texting or talking on the phone while driving 4 AED 800
Dangerously reversing 4 AED 500
Sudden swerving 4 AED 1000
Driving below the minimum speed limit, when available 4 AED 400
Indicators of poor performance 2 AED 400
Lights in poor performance 2 AED 400

In some of the cases above, suspending your driver’s license between 30 and 90 days is also a possibility, especially with infractions of high degrees.

Methods for Settling Traffic Fines

In the UAE, individuals can pay traffic fines through various digital platforms. This includes the Ministry of Interior’s website or application, as well as the Emirates Vehicle Gate, Abu Dhabi Police, Dubai Police, RTA – Dubai, and Ras Al Khaimah eGovernment sites. Alternatively, paying directly at Dubai Police offices is an option. It is essential for individuals to have their driver’s license and the specific fine details available, regardless of whether they choose online or in-person payment.

Consequences of Black Points for Drivers in Dubai

Accumulating black points on a driving license in Dubai leads to specific penalties. Once a driver reaches 24 black points, their license is subject to suspension. The duration of this suspension varies depending on previous infractions:

  • First Infraction: The driver faces a three-month license suspension.
  • Second Infraction: This results in a six-month license suspension.
  • Third Infraction: Along with a one-year license suspension, the driver is required to attend driving classes at an authorized school in Dubai and must retake the driving test.

Ways to Minimize Fines and Black Points on Driving Licenses in Dubai

In Dubai, accumulating black points can lead to a suspended driving license. To help reduce these points, drivers can participate in specialized training programs offered by Dubai Police. This is available to those who have between 8 and 24 black points due to traffic violations. Upon successfully completing the program, drivers can eliminate 8 black points from their records.

Additionally, if penalty points arise from circumstances beyond a driver’s control, they have the option to request that these points be assigned to the responsible party’s license.

To maintain a clean driving record, it is essential for every driver to adhere to traffic laws diligently. A proactive understanding of local traffic regulations and the associated black points for violations is key. Ultimately, the most effective strategy to avoid penalties is to remain vigilant and consistently practice safe driving habits.